Bummer Box - Medium
Bummer Box - Medium
Regular price $80 Sale

My condolences; In sympathy; There’s no good gift for this; I’m so sorry for your loss; I'm here for you; Sending love and light; Wish I could make it better; Remember, all dogs go to heaven; You’re not alone; You’re in my thoughts; Shining some light during a time of sadness.

step 1
What's Included
step 2
Optional Add-ons
step 3
Include a note in your own handwriting
What's Included
Bamboo Socks
Sock Smith
Bamboo Socks
Bath Soak (black top)
Bath Soak (black top)
Beeswax Candle
Sunbeam x Kinshipped
Beeswax Candle
Red Heart Pin
Red Heart Pin
Sheet Mask
Sheet Mask
Small Notebook - Blue
Small Notebook - Blue
TumTum Tea & Strainer
Perennial Tea x Kinshipped
TumTum Tea & Strainer
Include a note in your own handwriting

1. Write your note on white paper in black ink

2. Take a bird’s eye view photo of the note with your phone (transfer to desktop if not purchasing on a mobile device).   

3. Click Upload Note to upload the image (.jpg, .png, .pdf) or choose digital note option to type out your message.

4. We’ll do the rest so your handwritten words are at the heart of your gift

Opt for Digital Note
Regular price $80 Sale
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